Healing Happens Now!
Easy to understand classes on physical healing. Bring a Bible and notebook
Monday | 11 am PST
Incurable? Terminal?
Over the years, we have had many people want prayer or situations in our own family and friends where there was an incurable or terminal diagnosis.
It is never too late or Jesus wouldn't say heal the sick, raise the dead.
If it meant you got a little better and kept suffering for years, we wouldn't be happy to hear it at all. But we don't pray for a little better, we go for all the way better. Big happy.
Tuesday | 11 am PST
Will God Heal Old People Or Is He Too Weak And Lazy?
At some point, you will die, but quality of life can be pushed higher than people let on.
Arthritis, cancer, diabetes, OCD (old codgers - get off my lawn), having to take so many prescriptions you can't afford to eat?
Seen it all go and stay gone.
Wednesday | 11 am PST
Can pets and animals get healed by God?
People getting healed is easier to negotiate, but there are indications that He's open to it.
The consequences of sin in the Earth unfairly trouble other living beings here. They can be blessed too.
We charge $500 to pray for dogs and cats and horses.
Just kidding, we NEVER charge for prayers.
Thursday | 11 am PST
Is It God's Will To Heal?
This is such a barrier for people that we will do a full week on it later on.
If you are taking medicine, going to the doctor, getting surgery or seeking help for your sickness or injury, we will expect you to be open to the idea that He wants you better more than you want it.
Friday | 11 am PST
Addictions and Injuries from Them
We have learned some things on getting to the bottom of why people keep using.
There is also a benefit from having energetically powerful prayer to get rid of the cravings and cleanse the blood and tissues.
Like they do in rapid detox.
There are some scars that mark us and serve as a reminder, and most of the others that can go away forever.
Saturday | 11 am PST
Peace In Heart and Home
Fear, worry, bad memories and traumas, weird stuff happening in your house that is bothersome and guilt don't have to boss our lives and consume our thoughts and time.
There is a way to have long term freedom.
Day services are recorded as audio only to protect privacy of people who need help or feel unwell.
Can I come if I am sick?
Since our meetings are outdoors this Summer, we will keep everyone in the same area. When we are indoors and the building is finished, there will be a special area for people with medical equipment or who are in a lot of pain or unconscious.
If you are coughing or sneezing or oozing, please social distance and use a tissue.
No masks are ever required by us. If they comfort you, feel free to wear one.
After class, anyone who likes can join us as we pray for Point Roberts, any individual requests and other situations that we've learned how to effectively pray about.
Since we are very interactive in these classes and there is much to learn about healing, the Seminar will be extended into the following week.
There is never a charge for attending our services. Donations only. No donations are expected before or after you get a spiritual impact. This is one reason we get high level results.
"Freely you have received, freely give" is a command of Jesus. When we have books and other materials, they will also be by donation only.