Point Roberts needs help. People hurt by the shutdowns can't wait until someday, somehow things get better.
This community and many members of it need a turnaround in their life, health and business.
We're asking God for help and building friendships and a supportive dynamic.
These meetings are open to all.
We do not charge for any meetings, everything is by donation only.
We do require respect for everyone attending and we will ask people to leave who are abusive or disruptive on purpose.
At this time, it is an English only meeting, but we will get interpreters if needed or have special services in Spanish or other languages, if it is warranted.

Reasons and faith statements for the turnaround meetings are at the bottom of the page.

What will we do?
There will be singing and music. It may be very informal and brief.
There will be some teaching from the Bible, but not as in-depth as the daytime seminars.
There will be encouraging information on ways we can build a healthier life, have happier families and marriages, and rebuild our economy.
There will be prayer for anyone who needs it. We specialize in praying for the sick and injured, but there are no problems that don't matter to God.
Fun and Friendships
You can't have too much of either.
These things are not done in any particular order. if we are enjoying singing a song and the sweetness of God rests in it, we will continue. We value people and we value the presence of God and that takes the time it takes.
What do we NOT do?
No politics, no fake phonies, no 'know it all' attitude.
No racism or giving anyone a hard time for things they are born with. We believe that treating people differently by looking down on someone is just as sinful as giving preference to people who are rich or have higher education.
Right now, we don't have special arrangements for children and babies. They are welcome, even if they make some noise and want to play with toys and have snacks.
The facility is NOT open for any use whatsoever. No bathrooms, no water. If you come from out of town, there are public facilities nearby. Strictly outdoor meetings.
When and Where
11 am | 398 Marine Dr
Point Roberts, WA 98281
For the time being, while repairs are being done on the facility, all meetings are OUTDOOR ONLY.
There are no restroom facilities. If you are from out of town, there are public restrooms available nearby.
Bring your own Bible, beverage and a lawn chair. We have some chairs, but they will not be very comfortable.
Hosted by Tim and Kathryn Trainor
We are Christian lay ministers who have lived in Point Roberts about 15 years.
During the Covid shutdown, we held weekly meetings on Sunday afternoons up at Monument Park.
After three years, we took a short break last Fall until now, but we still see a need for more Christian fellowship and healing ministry.
These meetings are for anyone who wants to come. They do not replace your on-going church associations. Just a supplement.

Can I come if I am sick?
Since our meetings are outdoors this Summer, we will keep everyone in the same area. When we are indoors and the building is finished, there will be a special area for people with medical equipment or who are in a lot of pain or unconscious.
If you are coughing or sneezing or oozing, please social distance and use a tissue.
No masks are ever required by us. If they comfort you, feel free to wear one.
There is never a charge for attending our services. Donations only. No donations are expected before or after you get a spiritual impact. This is one reason we get high level results.
"Freely you have received, freely give" is a command of Jesus. When we have books and other materials, they will also be by donation only.